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  • Writer's pictureDr. Pamela Davis

Confidence Building 101

What is it that makes your palms sweat?

I'm a vocalist and from what I'm told, I sing very well :-) What is not widely known is how nervous I get when I sing.

It's a weird match. You would think that my confidence level would be considerably higher, since I sing so well;-) If you knew me, you'd know that I prefer to sing in front of a million people that I'll never see again as oppose to singing in front of a small group of people that I know.

The struggle with overcoming nervousness is real. There was a point in my life when my inner voice would speak so loudly and negatively that it interfered with my talent. It's natural to feel nervous; the pounding heart rate and sweaty palms. However, your nerves should not overtake you in a way that keeps you for functioning.

Optimal conditions

I knew that I could not allow my nerves to get the best of me. I began to analyze my feelings and singing experiences. I identified areas that I knew contributed to raising my confidence level.

Eyes closed and land the first note. This may sound silly, but it works for me. It doesn't matter what I'm singing or where I'm singing, these are two things that I make sure happen every time. These extra measures give me the added assurance I need. I'm only focusing on getting out of the gate, not the middle or end of the song. That part will come. Creating optimal conditions allows me to think about what I need before I get nervous!!!


How many of you have ever had a job interview? Did you practice before the interview? What type of practice did you do? ... read over a few questions? Practice answering questions in the mirror? While those things are great, the playing field of an interview session looks a whole lot differently. There are other people involved. They're asking you questions... This takes the interview session up a notch. With this in mind, part of your prep for an interview should include a mock session with at least one other person to serve as the interviewer. If the interviewer is someone who can give you critical feedback - this is an added bonus! Simulating an interview session forces you to go through the process of responding with a true audience. When you're rehearsing alone, you can ramble and say whatever you want without the facing the fact that someone's listening. Simulated practice gives you a chance to deal with the sweaty palms, stammering, and shaky speech. When your first meeting with your nervous tendencies is in the interview, you don't stand a chance overcoming them and maintaining the level of confidence you need to land the job. Practice with a trusted friend or a trained coach so that your confidence shines through not your sweaty palms.

Check out my webpage for a resource on Six Things to Boost Your Confidence. Need a coach? Book me for a Discovery Call.

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